#Giving BizDay

Your good deed can turnaround a business in need

An Opportunity to Give Back to a Small Business in Your Community

GivingTuesday on November 30 is a day when people around the world come together to ensure healthy and happy communities. This year, for the first time ever, AMCCU decided to get involve in GivingTuesday and has started an initiative called Giving BizDay with the goal to support small business post COVID restrictions, so they can continue to enrich our communities for years to come. As a registered charity we are run entirely by a workforce of passionate community volunteers, BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!

How Can You Get Involved in Giving BizDay?

You and your organisation can support AMCCU’s Giving BizDay initiative helping a small business back on track for success for as little as $100. Our aim for Giving BizDay is to raise enough money to support at least 100 small businesses to flourish again after COVID restrictions and thereby saving and enriching our communities.

  • Avoid going to big shopping centres and national and franchises. Instead, buy the products, use the services and attend the events of small local community businesses
  • When you are there, find out how they are doing. If they are struggling, contact AMCCU at and tell us the business owner’s name, contact details, and what resources they may require. Feel free to tell the owner that a charity named AMCCU is raising money for small businesses and that you, as a local customer, wish to nominate them to receive our free assistance
  • Consider donating to the AMCCU Giving BizDay appeal. You can donate this towards a specific business you care about or leave it to us to choose a business in need
  • Talk to family and friends, leaders and large businesses in your own community, and raise awareness so that together we can help as many small businesses as possible